
Christmas Vacation!

Since we are rapidly approaching the holidays, I’ve decided to take a little break from The Literary Mom, so I can spend some time with my family, finish critiquing a manuscript, and revise and get my own YA manuscript ready to submit as well. I know everyone is super busy with the holidays and probably won’t have a lot of time to spend reading blogs, so I would love to know; when do you think I should resume my posting schedule? Let me know!

Books for Christmas

I know some people don’t like the holidays. I’m not one of those people. I’ve already got my tree up and all our decorations out. To me, this is the most wonderful, most magical time of the year. I love the snow and the bright lights, the good food and being with family. I love picking out the perfect present for each person on my list. And now that I have a son, everything is even more wonderful.

For me, books and Christmas are tied together like my son’s shoelaces after he’s tried to put them on. You can’t have one without the other. I think it’s safe to say I’ve gotten at least one book every year of my life. I received Anne of Green Gables the year I turned eleven and devoured it within a couple of days. I think I’ve re-read it twenty times. Laura Ingalls, Jane Eyer, Sara Crewe, Mary Lennox, the girls from Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild; for me, they all go along with Christmas just as much as frosted cookies and ornaments.

Books and Christmas should go together. Please, if you have a child, or know a child; give them a book for Christmas. They’ll thank you someday, I promise.